Waternetwerk nieuws en activiteiten

Droogte in het stroomgebied van de Rijn, tegen welke problemen lopen we aan? Wat zijn ervaringen met verschillende klimaat adaptatie oplossingen? En hoe pakte Kaapstad de 'Day Zero' droogtecrisis aan in 2018? Terugblik op het engelstalige AIWW webinar, op donderdag 6 april 2023.

pexels droogte

AIWW webinar: Dealing with drought
Thursday, 6 April 2023 | 1:00-2:00 PM | online

We discussed the impact of drought, and best practices to increase resilience, in the large Rhine river basin and the Cape Town region. What lessons can we learn? AIWW webinar with Frederiek Sperna Weiland (Deltares), Wolfgang Deinlein (IAWR) and Bettina Koelle (Red Cross); chaired by Frodo van Oostveen (World Waternet) on 6 April 2023.

PROGRAM and download presentations

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VIDEO registration of the webinar

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SOME SLIDES from the presentations

2304 AIWW Rhine

2304 AIWW Rhine infiltration

2304 AIWW CapeTown

Save the date: Amsterdam International Water Week AIWW at 6-9 November 2023

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- Frederiek Sperna Weiland is climate change specialist at Deltares, Applied Research Institute in The Netherlands. Her research focuses on uncertainties in climate change projections for major rivers of the world. In the past 10 years she applied and further developed this knowledge in many projects in the Netherlands, Europe, Africa and Asia. She has been involved in the development of the discharge scenarios for the Dutch national climate scenarios (KNMI’14 and the upcoming KNMI’23) and related international initiatives such as Rheinblick.

- Wolfgang Deinlein is Managing Director of the IAWR – International Association of Waterworks in the Rhine Basin. IAWR is working towards protecting the quality of drinking water resources so that drinking water supply is possible using nature-based purification methods only. Wolfgang studied Geoecology at the University of Karlsruhe and works at Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, utility in southern Germany, where IAWR’s office is located, see

- Bettina Koelle is a senior learning specialist with the Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre. She is passionate about experiential learning and creating innovative forms of effective dialogue. She has been designing and facilitating a range of large and small virtual and face to face dialogues and is driven by her passion for people and learning co-production processes.

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See IWC Water Conferences and AIWW for more international water events.



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