Waternetwerk nieuws en activiteiten

Klimaatadaptatie wereldwijd | In Webinar #5 keken we naar Circulair Watermanagement in de gebouwde omgeving. Met een voorbeeld uit Zweden - gescheiden afvalwatersysteem met hergebruik, terugwinning en een bewonersonderzoek - en ervaringen uit Brabant met het samenwerkingsproces bij de realisatie van een circulair watersysteem. Zie de terugblik; het 6e en laatste webinar is op vrijdag 16 december.

wow climate circular water


Webinar serie georganiseerd door Platform WOW ism KNW, STOWA, WaterAlliance en KWR, in de periode april tot december 2022.

WEBINAR #5 | Circular Water Systems in European Cities

During this fifth webinar in the international series on climate adaptation, we discussed the application of circular water systems in the built environment. With 2 keynotes on examples from Sweden and Brabant (NL):

  • Seperate wastewater system in Sweden - by Ellen Edefell (Sweden Water Research)
    - In Oceanhammen district, black water, grey water and food residues are collected separately, whereby grey water is purified for reuse. Biogas, struvite and ammonium sulfate are extracted for agricultural purposes from the black water and food waste. A resident survey was conducted, in which residents could indicate their feedback on this system, and how they handle the vacuum toilets and food grinders they have in their homes.
  • Brainport Smart District: collaboration for a circular water system - by Henk-Jan van Alphen (KWR)
    - In the Brainport Smart District, KWR and several other stakeholders are collaborating on the realization of a circular water system. The webinar will mainly focus on the cooperation process to arrive at such a system. Partners in this precess are Brabant Water, Waterschap Aa en Maas, Waterschap De Dommel, Gemeente Helmond, Provincie Noord-Brabant and KWR.

Zie Platform WOW - terugblik voor download presentaties (inclusief terugblik voorgaande webinars)

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april - december 2022

  • 22 apr | Climate Adaptation worldwide - an overview
  • 20 mei | Water resilient infrastructure - comparing Canada and The Netherlands
  • 15 sept | Reducing Risks by Use of Data - examples from Australia (Hydro-Geomorphic Risk Analyses) & The Netherlands (Robust Drinking-Water Systems)
  • 21 okt | Water, Landscape and Ecohydrology (Sweden & Brabant NL)
  • 18 nov | Circular Water Systems in European Cities
  • 16 dec | Climate Adaptation - How to Start & Maintain the transition that is needed?

DETAILS en informatie
Platform WOW | Climate Adaptation - Solutions from different corners of the world



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