Waternetwerk nieuws en activiteiten

A wide variety of Dutch organizations is active in the water sector in Colombia. What are the - technical and non-technical - experiences of these international cooperation projects? Live KNW Seminar with four keynote speakers, on Wednesday 11 May 2022 (14:30-16:45 hrs) in Het Waterschapshuis, Amersfoort.

wic colombia

KNW Seminar: Waterprojects in Colombia

Wednesday 11 May 2022 | 14:30-16:45 hrs | Waterschapshuis, Amersfoort

International cooperation
A wide variety of Dutch organisations is active in the water sector in Colombia. In this seminar we like to actively share experiences and explore the (non-technical) aspects of international cooperation in these projects.

Keynote speakers:

  • Jaap Duijvestein, PUM country-coördinator for Colombia
  • Marion Kappeyne van de Coppello, former Ambassador in Colombia
  • Peter van de Kreeke, project-leader 'Canal del Dique'
  • Gerald Corzo Perez, IHE associate professor Hydroinformatics

Join us, and [ register here ] Registration is closed, due to max. number of participants.  

We look forward to this 'live' seminar, in Het Waterschapshuis (Amersfoort), with drinks afterwards.

KNW Committee on International Cooperation



Koninklijk Nederlands Waternetwerk is hét onafhankelijke kennis(sen)netwerk in de watersector. We bieden waterprofessionals, bedrijven en organisaties een uniek platform, met volop mogelijkheden in een actieve en ondernemende sector.


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2596 AA Den Haag
070 - 32 22 765