The discussion on Teamwork in the international water sector, with the case of the project 'Source to tap and back' in Ethiopia (S2TAB) was visualised in a 'praatplaat' with drawings and eye-openers. What did we learn?
Source to tap and back in Ethiopia (S2TAB)
In this project, various organizations cooperated to realise water resources protection and pollution prevention in the municipality of Addis Ababa and the region of Oromia.
In this Live Talk Show we will discuss on the added value of the teamwork and the lessons learned for future WaterWorX and Blue Deal projects.
'Praatplaat' with quotes and eye-openers - click on the image for a large version.
Questions discussed during the talk show:
- What was the added value of the teamwork?
- How did they get the right mixture of expertise in 1 team to create 1 + 1 = 3?
- What are their personal lessons learned?
- How can the WaterWorx and Blue Deal projects learn from this experience to create more successful collaborations?
Download S2TAB project description.
The cooperating organizations in the S2TAB project were VEI, MetaMeta, Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe, Waterschap Zuiderzeeland, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority, Adama Water Service and Sewerage Enterprise, Oromiya Water, Mineral and Energy Bureau en Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI).
The Talk Show was organised on 19 November 2020 by VEI and KNW Waternetwerk, and financed by RVO.
AGENDA of the Talk Show (3 - 4 pm)
- Mini vlog as intro to the S2TAB project
- The added value of collaboration
by Daniel Truneh (VEI, Regional Project manager) and Michiel Oudendijk (Water Authority Zuiderzeeland, Senior Expert) - The personal lessons learned from collaborating
by Harold van den Berg (RIVM Research technician) and Frank van Steenbergen (MetaMeta, owner) - Mini vlogs with presentation by our Ethiopian partners
- Visions on team work in WaterWorX and Blue Deal program
by Adriaan Mels (WaterWorX - VEI) and Emilie Sturm (Blue Deal - UVW) - Financing and facilitating collaboration on scale
by Sietske Boschma (RVO, senior advisor) and Eric Zandbergen (KNW - Chairman Commission International Cooperation) - Invitation to the Zoom brainstorm
BRAINSTORM via Zoom (4 - 5 pm)
The talk show was followed by a facilitated online brainstorm in Zoom break-out rooms.
KNW Commission International Cooperation and VEI.